Victoria Danièle

Hello lovely!

My name is Victoria Danièle, I am a traditional yoga teacher, movement healer (Somatic Activated Healing Method™), cat lover, French Sign Language student, night owl, and something bigger than I could ever put into words – just like you! My journey towards movement healing has not been linear, yet I feel it was meant to be.

Here, you will find my online and Paris-based traditional yoga classes and Somatic Activated Healing™ (SAH Method™) sessions. I look forward to accompanying you on your journey towards wellbeing, acceptance, and self exploration!

Click on the 'Shop' or 'Calendar' tabs above to get started, or keep scrolling for more details.

About Us:

Passionate about self-development and spiritual growth, I have practiced yoga since the age of 14 in France, my home country, and trained in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) in 2015 in London. After graduating with a Masters degree in Global Mental Health, I moved to Egypt to work in international public health. I attended dozens of wellness, meditation, and yoga retreats when living in Egypt, and decided to take my yoga and inner growth journey to the next level in India. My training as a yoga teacher in the Yoga Vidya Gurukul ashram in Nashik, India, taught me the ancient and authentic practices and philosophies of yoga, allowing me to share this experience and knowledge with my students.

Seeking to add more creative expression to my teachings, I trained in Somatic Activated Healing™, a method combining meditation, breathwork, affirmations, movement, and ecstatic dance. Certified by the creator of the method, Sah D'Simone, I now offer private and group sessions.

Traditional Yoga

Based on the ancient Hatha and Ashtanga philosophies, these traditional yoga classes focus on taking our awareness inward, relaxing into each pose, listening to and discovering our bodies with care and love, and taking a break from the busy outside world to focus on the wellbeing of the body, mind, and soul.

Each traditional yoga class is composed of an opening prayer/meditation, surya namaskar (sun salutations), asanas (poses), shavasana (corpse pose for final relaxation), pranayama (breathing exercises), and a final prayer/meditation.

I also offer yoga nidra classes for deeper relaxation, and sunrise salutation classes for a morning workout!

Somatic Activated Healing Method™

The Somatic Activated Healing Method™ (SAH Method™) is a trauma-informed practice bringing together ancient, traditional philosophies, and modern creative expression in an original union of meditation, breathwork, affirmations, and ecstatic dance.

We work with the emotional residue of trauma trapped in our bodies, escorting the feelings through the body through the vector of movement. These sessions are trauma-informed: you will not retell your difficult experiences. The intention is to live fully in the present moment through your body, rather than being stuck in the mind; to let your body crack through the walls of shame, awkwardness, and discomfort with every move you let it take.

Far from the trendy wellness practices and therapies we see on social media, practicing the SAH Method™ authentically is not a performance. It is a raw, audacious act to seek beauty within and outside of us, to seek integrity in our mind, body, and actions, to seek healing for ourselves and beyond.

This practice is also available as private 1-1 sessions where I tailor the experience to your specific needs.